
Loud and Clear

Yesterday I ran our first training day for people learning how to use our sound system. I walked people through everything I could think of from how to turn everything on to ‘mixing’ the band. Mixing is where the sound engineer decides how loud everything should be, tweaks the sound of each voice and instrument …

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Glory Hunting

This morning my heart is burning. I’ve been preparing to brief the media team before our worship livestream later today and I feel overwhelmed with gratitude that we get to pursue the Father’s heart tonight. Tonight we go glory hunting. There’s a balancing act that I’m learning as we build up the team, between excellence …

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Holy Spirit, be my Genius

The word genius actually comes from an identical Latin word meaning: ‘attendant spirit present from one’s birth, innate ability or inclination’. Ooooh. Very new agey, huh? There is a very real pressure at this, the pointy end of history, to either be brilliant or not. Hollywood teaches us that genius is an ability that you …

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