Shipping Containers and Stepping Stones

As we embark upon the exciting building project of Siloh Chapel we stand at the base of what feels like a tall mountain. With so many steps ahead the journey can seem overwhelming, and yet we know our God is able! We are convinced that the same God that brought us to Siloh Chapel will enable us to inhabit, and be fruitful in, this place.

If you would like to read more of the incredible story of how God brought us to Siloh Chapel click here…

The building project ahead for Liberty Church starts with a step; we may not know all the details of the route, but God is simply asking us to do the next thing. For us as a Church we believe that is to address the containers that lay outside the Chapel.

When we moved into Siloh Chapel in September 2017 we were so excited to be given permission to remove most of the pews from the Chapel. This was clearly the favour of the Lord as many had sought this permission before but had been denied. Removal of the pews has made the space so versatile, and it has been our privilege to host Kids Clubs, Toddler Groups, Seniors, Youth Events, Craft Fairs, Fun Days, Dinners, Quizzes, Exercise Classes, Dancing… the list goes on. So many of these wonderful community outreach events couldn’t have taken place if the pews were still in place.

Attached to the permission to remove the pews was the condition that we store the pews and pulpit timbers in storage containers and look for ways to incorporate them into the building or side hall at a later date.

Storing these containers for such a long period of time has become such a financial burden for us as a church. The containers themselves cost £115 every month, an expense that we would like to be free from.

At the beginning of Covid we sat down with our builder, and dear friend, Dave Fender; and came up with a plan for how we could use much of the timber for a raised platform for storage and a sound desk area at the back of Siloh Chapel. The design would show off the beautiful timbers from the original chapel as well as being highly functional for the media team.

Our Heritage Architect has drawn up the plans and a submission has been made to the council to have the conditions removed. Please pray with us for the following points:

  • Permission to use the timbers as per the design for the sound booth area
  • Permission to sell and dispose of all remaining timbers so we can return the containers and be free from this expense.

Dave Fender has recently gone home to be with the Lord and in the weeks ahead we would like to see the Dave Fender Media Booth become a reality. We have most of the materials, and so our expenses will be mostly labour costs. We are currently seeking a quote from our contractor to build the booth.

If you would like to give towards this first step in our Building project you can give through our website by clicking here.

Alternatively, you can give towards the project by putting your donation in an envelope marked “building fund” and giving to one of our stewards when we take up the offering at any of our church services.

Thank you so much for praying with us as once again as we seek permission for what seems like the impossible, and for taking the next step with us.

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