Making Room

In our lives, there are certain things that we know we will do someday, but that day never seems to come. Not last year, not this year – but maybe next year! Sound familiar? There are things God puts in our heart that we leave on the backburner until it’s almost forgotten.

I’ve always loved writing. I used to write descriptive essays in Primary School and the teacher would say, ‘Where on earth did that come from Mark?” I’ve loved writing articles, blogs and newsletters.. I’ve fallen in love with the written word and how it can make you feel.

I’ve also loved worship and music. I picked up the guitar when I was 16 because I wanted my Sunday School class to sing a song I’d written. I know deep down there are songs God still wants to give me – IF I take time to listen!

At school I loved to draw and paint. I’ve always thought that one day I would love to take it up again. But I’ve never ever had time.

I’ve found that days have rolled into weeks, that roll into months, years and decades. I’m 51 now and still thinking: ‘one day I will do these things that God has put on my heart.’ But when? Where? How?

Last year God broke in and challenged me. He told me these desires I had were not from me but FROM HIM and that if I didn’t do what He wanted me to do I would not accomplish what He wants for me. People will never be blessed by what I didn’t do; and the Lord’s wonderful plan for my life would be great, but incomplete. Boom. There it is.

In my busy life with Church and family, with my responsibilities and ministry with my commitments and plans; Will I take a step back from some of these important things JUST to spend more time with Him?

Last August I was looking for something in my garage. My garage was full of old kitchen units, tons of junk and rubbish. And God spoke – “Will you make this a place where you and I can meet?”

“Will you make room for me?”

All the thoughts I had about writing a book, writing songs, painting, writing poems, starting a YouTube channel … It all became possible IF I made room for Him. A few weeks later a lovely lady in church said God had given her a word for me. It was basically this – “God wants to do a re-set in my life. He has asked you to do something very practical – do it! It’s from him. He wants you to use the work of your hands and no-one else can do it.” That’s it. The king has spoken.

So I called a builder friend to come and have a look at my garage. He gave me a rough price – ouch! Making room costs. But let’s build a space for God!
A grace space, a Holy Spirit space a creative space.
A meeting place.

We started work last week and I am so excited. The old garage door has been taken away allowing light to enter the room, and I’ve been combing through Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree looking for the things I will need to prepare the space. I’m getting ready for God encounters!

I’ve learned so much over these last few months. It’s so easy to get busy, but will I make room for God? Will I deliberately find a place where I can meet with Him? Will I stop, re-set and begin to work towards the plans that He has put in my life? We are always looking for a new word … but God is saying “But what have you done with the last one I gave you?” Ouch.

So how about you? Your life? Don’t be at the end of your life and say, ‘If only …” but right now, today, say “God I want to make room for you.” When you pray this, miracles will follow. God’s desire since the day he created Adam was for fellowship, relationship and quality time. He hasn’t changed. He wants you.

So watch out for new songs, written words and paintings from my heart. They might not be perfect to start with, but Holy Spirit is a great teacher! I’m going to enjoy the journey knowing I’ve finally made room for God.

Will YOU make room for God?

14 thoughts on “Making Room”

  1. Excellent Mark you were always good at writing. Go for it the Lord will help you. Looking forward to see it developing x

  2. AMAZING!!! Can’t wait to see all the fruit that will come from this step of obedience Uncle Mark!!

  3. I joined a group called she sheds and realized I had a quiet room that was my space so I moved the excercise bike out and my easel in now I have to clear out my mind and prioritize my day but yes I want to make room, I have the time I just seem to waste it. I have an idea stirring inside but I’m a bit apprehensive and too much in my head about it so I keep pushing it out but hopefully I’ll conquer my mind!! Looking forward to seeing what the Holy Spirit does through you. You are such an encouragement!

  4. Loved this blog ( or whatever it’s called !) I’m so glad you are dreaming big and really happy for you Mark . All things are possible with God , so excited for you ??

  5. Excellent Mark! I’ve been inspired, I have a passion for writing too, perhaps this is a sign of God nudging all of us wannabe writers to pick up our pens and typewriters and get going now!!

  6. Vanessa Yeomans

    God has asked me something similar too Mark. Since the beginning of lockdown God said get my house in order to make room for me. The next day I came across a decluttering group run by a Christian in America. She helps mums organise and declutter their lives to help them make more time for them to sit at the feet of Jesus. This year I have emptied wardrobes. Toy cupboards. Garden sheds kitchen cupboards and im on the last area . The attic. It has been so freeing and refreshing to get rid of the things in my life I really dont need or that dont represent me or the family anymore in order to make way for Gods new.
    It has also helped the family as we have had more time to just chillout and enjoy family, as well as assess our lifestyle and what God wants in the next season.

    1. That’s brilliant Vanessa. So good. Well done for following through. The Lord WILL turn up mbig time and show you so much. Proud of you! Mark

  7. Remember me? Big fella from Belfast you used to the watch football with in the early 90s 🙂

    I’m blessed to see you are still on fire for the Lord. Glynis and I ended up back in Belfast in 96. Glynis works for Willowfield Parish church and as someone said I have become a Daniel. Not as godly as Daniel, just that I work for the administration. Computing became my thing down through the years. We have two big kids. One in their last year at uni and the other just started work.

    What was that song we used to sing back in Edinburgh about eagle’s wings? I can’t get the melody of You raise me up out of my head. It wasn’t that one 😉


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